Monday, March 23, 2009

One Year Surgery Free!!!

Yay Andy!!! He is our little fighter and he has made it to his first birthday without needing any surgery. This is impressive because Dr. Pulver said he thought Andy would need intervention by now. When he first met Andy he said he had a 'gnarly' valve and we were going in every six weeks. Now we are scheudled six months out. Andy is fighting this thing and we are grateful God has given him time to grow. Keep doing it buddy!


  1. I am so proud of strong little Andy and brave and amazing mommy! I'm so glad you're doing well.

  2. That's great that he has made it this long without surgery. Hopefully he can go a while before he needs it. He's a cutie!

  3. WOw congrats on your year mark. Don't you wish it meant that all of this was a bad dream. It is hard as a heart mommy to know that this won't magically end. That he is not all better and there is nothing left to worry about... We could only wish right???LOL... We are thinking about you...

  4. I just wanted to comment so you know there are other Heart Mom's thinking of you. I have a friend whose son has AS also and is almost two years old and is still surgery free. These heart babies keep us on our toes. It is a challenging worrisome road we travel, but I have seen great blessings and friendships as a result of my Jacob's heart defect. Andy is a cutie!

    Hugs & Prayers,

  5. Love, Love, Love the picture at the top of your cute little Andy. Congrats on making it 1 year!!! What a terrific mom your little guy has.

  6. WOW! What a cute little boy! And so awesome no surgery yet!!! I have a 2 year old with sub-aortic stenosis (narrowing below the valve). She had ohs at 1 week old and is now 2 and all over the place. This heart stuff can send you on quite a rollercoaster ride but is so worth it! Keep up the good work with your little man!
    Mom to Kate- IHH

  7. Wow, your little guy is CUTE!!! Good for him for doing so well. It is not easy to be a heart baby. (Or a heart mom, for that matter!) My son was also a preemie (1 lb 13 oz at birth) and he is also named Matthew! He has a heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot, which (among other things) includes pulmonary stenosis, which is the same sort of deal as aortic stenosis except with the pulmonary artery instead of the aorta. Anyway, you are welcome to check out our blog ( as well as Matthew's carepage ( Good luck with everything!

  8. I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are not alone in this battle against CHD (AS). I have felt like at times that I couldn't take watching my daughter go through another OHS surgery, but somehow deep inside we find that inter-strength to endure and watch miracles happen. These kids, like Andy are amazing!!!

    Mike Patton

  9. I will have to make sure I add your blog to mine.
    Thank you for sharing Andy's story wtih us. Being a heart mom/parent is hard but the rewards are well worth it in knowing you have to be strong for your child, thus you gain a stregnth you never knew you could have. You are doing a great job!
    Heart Hugs,
    Carolyn Quigley
    President, IHH

  10. He is doing so well! I am glad to hear he doesn't have to go back in for awhile!I love your background it is way cute!!

  11. Way to go Andy!!!! It was so wonderful to meet you when Stella was in the NBICU and you stopped by to see us. I am sorry you don't have the support from your family that you need, but you will surely find support with this group. What a lucky little boy Andy is to have such a wonderful Mom. We should have a play date for Andy and Stella one of these days.
    Love, Sara Biasutti

  12. That's great that you have made it to the one year mark. It is amazing how much these heart kids fight and bounce back. Keep doing what you are doing.

  13. Hi Andy
    My name is Jenna. You are a brave courageous fighter, You are a special miracle from god, a gift from above, earthly angel, a smilen hero.

    I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and have 14 other medical conditions, and developmental delays.

    I wrote this poem

    Each of us are Special

    Each of us different,

    No one is the same

    Each of are us are unique in our own way,

    Those of us who have challenges, we smile through our day.

    Those who of us who have challenges, we smile through our day.

    It doesn't matter what others say

    we are special anyway.

    What is forty feet and sings? the school chior http/
